
Showing posts from March, 2022

Can sustainable agriculture feed the world?

The booming global population has triggered intense competition for limited resources worldwide. One such severe crisis the world is facing currently is the shortage of enough food to feed each mouth in the world. The intense pressure on the agriculture industry, aggravated by the dwindling area of cultivable land and resources has called for the adoption of sustainable agriculture and forest management methods. Even though the trending method appears a promising solution in the face of the current crisis, it’s feasibility is still debatable. Here is an analysis of the pros and cons of sustainable agriculture .   It is a well established fact that industrial methods of farming over- exploited natural resources like water and also reduced the nutrient quality of the soil through erosion of the top layer and the overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. These practices have further impacted the nutrient quality of the food on our plates.   Sustainable agriculture ensur...